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As a martial artist, sportsman or an ordinary person, you need to do frequent meditation sessions. Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realise some benefits or as an end to itself.

Meditation is seen by a number of researchers as potentially one of the most effective forms of stress reduction.
It is a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert. Meditation is a tool for the re-discovery of the body’s own inner intelligence. It’s not about forcing the body to be quiet; it’s finding the silence that’s already there and making it a part of your life.


Lowers oxygen consumption; decreases respiratory rate; increases blood flow and slows the heart rate; increases exercise tolerance; leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation; good for people with high blood pressure; reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate; decreases muscle tension; helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc; reduces pre-menstrual symptoms; helps in post-operative healing; enhances the immune system; reduces emotional distress; helps with weight loss; drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease; improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing; decreases the aging process; may help in curing headaches & migraines; significant relief from asthma; improved performance in athletic events; harmonises our endocrine system; relaxes our nervous system; produces lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity and may help in curing infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with the release of hormones that regulate ovulation).


Builds self-confidence; resolves phobias and fears; helps control own thoughts; helps with focus and concentration; increases creativity; increased brain wave coherence; improved learning ability and memory; increased emotional stability; easier to remove bad habits; develops intuition; increased ability to solve complex problems; purifies your character; develops will power; react more quickly and more effectively to a stressful event; higher intelligence growth rate; increases the capacity for intimate contact with loved ones; decreases the potential for mental illness; helps in smoking cessation and alcohol addiction; reduces the need and dependency on drugs, pills and pharmaceuticals; requires less time to fall asleep, helps to cure insomnia; decrease in restless thinking; decreased tendency to worry; increases listening skills and empathy; gives composure to act in considered and constructive ways and helps develops emotional maturity.


Helps to keep things in perspective; provides peace of mind, happiness; helps to discover your purpose; increased self-actualization; increased compassion; spiritual growth; deeper understanding of yourself and others; brings body, mind, spirit in harmony; deeper level of spiritual relaxation; increased acceptance of oneself; changes attitude towards life; creates a deeper relationship with your higher power or deity; attains enlightenment; greater inner-directedness; creates a widening, deepening capacity for love; discovery of the power and consciousness beyond the ego; experience an inner sense of assurance; experience a sense of oneness and increases the synchronicity in one’s life.


Meditation is completely free. It requires no special equipment, and is not complicated to learn. It can be practiced anywhere, at any given moment, and it is not time consuming (15-20 minutes per day is recommended). Best of all, meditation has no negative side effects, whatsoever. There is nothing but positive to be gained from it. With such a huge list of benefits, the question to ask yourself is, “Why am I not meditating yet?”


All styles (Taekwondo, Kyoku-shinKai Kan, Judo, Shin Kyoku-shinKai Kan, Japan Karate Association, Oyama KyokushinKai Kan or Boxing) are reminded to send through the profiles and pictures of their different excelling artists to be published in this column.
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