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Okwenzekayo kulomhlaba esikuwo
Izinyembezi zihlala zigcwele amehlo njalo nje
Ngonyaka nonyaka kuhlala kukhalwa

Sangena Gazi singena ngelinoni lengoma yabo-Gandaganda ema-Soul Brothers, ‘Kuyadabukisa’, singena on a lovely Saturday morning singena when our civil servants aholile Gazi. Uyati ke nakuhole ema-thishela utsi usahamba la-town uve “Hhayi yeJT ingabe umbonile yini RS!” gagagaga. Pho ke thanks to lomkhuhlane we-coronavirus sekute umehluko Gazi kutsi yi-month end or not, ngoba sonkhe sitivalele etindlini.
No more going out to enjoy our favourite beverages sihlale tukwema-crates leka-Make Uyangichaza sibutjubhe. Life is now boring Gazi.


Kodvwa ke kute simo lesingengci Gazi konkhe sesikushiye kuMdali.
Talking of leaving everything to God, we assume this is the case concerning the situation at this Premier League side yangalandzaweni from where most of our high ranking football officials come from.
Phela life is bad. Ku-tough.

Ku-rough Gazi. It’s been five months now, no salaries. Kona noma nje kungakefiki le-COVID-19 pandemic lama salaries bekafika mhlaka 38 but yena lo-E800 bekafika ekugcineni Gazi.
Nyalo akusangeni ngisho na-two cents loloyi-rectangle weNkhosi Sobhuza II (we were celebrating his birthday nje on Wednesday Bhuza). Simo sibi Gazi.
Phela our sources staying next to the team clubhouse have told us gory stories of how the players, especially the foreign ones, sekahamba acela bantfu endleleni nje kutsi mane bente ema-donations.
Apparently phela the team owner uzamile ngemagogogo lamabili emmbila. Just two 10kg mealie-meal bags kutsi bamane babambe simo but nakhona the huge problem is that kute lomshibo.


Le-fish yesikotela ngeke uyidle the whole week Gazi noma ngabe ufuna kuba-healthy kwani.
Gazi, tsine our hearts are bleeding with the situation the players find themselves in and we want to appeal kubaphatsi bebhola kutsi they must come to the rescue of the players.
Letindvodla tetimali letibuya lekubo-CAF nabo-FIFA atimane tisite kulesimo Gazi.

The players must be a priority. We are losing too many relatives and friends ngale-COVID-19 and it would be sad to lose some of our players due to hunger nje.
Phela Gazi lijaha sisu and sisu futsi Gazi asinafastelo. Akunandzaba kutsi udleni ... lokumcoka kutsi kube khona lokuya esiswini.
Siyabacelela xem labantfwana bebantfu ngoba vele sekubonakele Gazi kutsi kati solala tukwe-hot plate at the clubhouse. Siyacela tu!

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