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Jobe udlala kamnandi ... udlala kanjani u-Jobe ... U-jobe udlala kamnandi ...Sangena Gazi sekunjalo futsi, the Shwashwaza sports crew seyitselekile.
Gazi we have had this juicy one we have today as our lead story under wraps for a week or so, singati nekutsi sicale ngakuphi nekutsi should we publish the pictures phela because phela nothing tells a story better than a picture.

Phela the coincidence was simply impeccable. Azange sesikubone lokunje. Gazi as you know by now, phela it’s back to action leku-MTN league and the race for the first round ‘carrot’ la-E350 000 has suddenly gained momentum with five games to go before the curtain falls down on the half-way mark of the gruelling ten-month competition.

As you know ke kutsi this weekend ngule Y’ello Sunday yeludvumo and you can call it a ‘Super Sunday’ if you want.
Tingculungculu tidibana todvwa.

Young Buffaloes will face Mbabane Swallows in a top-of-the-table clash kwasho babhali betemidlalo and then Inkunzemnyama itotfolana etulu ne Liweseli. Gazi kutofiwa.


Tsine ke Gazi that is the game that warms the cockles of the Shwashwaza sports crew’s beautiful hearts because there is a new factor to the game.
Phela of course Liweseli ne-Nkunzi games kusuke kudibane tingculungculu then sekunale-‘Koki’ Vilakati factor, as he has coached both sides before and then sekuna lensha ke indzaba Gazi which is our main article today. Shhhhhhhh ... siyakuhlebela.

Phela one of the talented midfielders of Highlanders recently wedded a former girlfriend of a defender for Liweseli.
Gagagagagagagagagagagagaga ...
Gazi this is not a laughing matter kodvwa.

The midfielder who likes to play short passes in the belly of the park and at times takes long shots trying to score, ‘scooped’ the sitjununu who is a civil servant ngalana kulelihlangotsi lalabo-Sisi labajovanako.
The Highlanders star did not waste time Gazi wavele wamfaka esibayeni Gazi. Sisho the traditional way.

What shocked us phela kutsi we have known the midfielder to be dating one sitjununu who loves Liweseli to the moon and back, but it seems ke ushiye phansi konkhe and moved in with the new flame.

What is interesting ke Gazi kutsi the new flame phela might be new kuye but she is an ex-girlfriend of this tough tackling defender we-Liweseli with years of experience.

Given phela that the two teams cross swords tomorrow we wonder nje kutsi will the two shake hands before the start of the game as part of the day’s activities and what will happen when they mark each other.


But ke we hope there will be no emotions because we know the defender has moved on with his life and he is a jolly good fellow who won’t allow this to affect his game, more-so as he is trying to establish himself at the club.

Phela some people babane problem with their exes ukhandze umuntfu sekacudvule umlomo, kantsi vele watsatsa umuntfu wakho instead of accepting reality.
Tsine nje bafana be-Shwashwaza nasibona uhamba nemuntfu bekajola natsi sifuna nekukuchawula kutsi wasetfula umtfwalo or rather vele our mothers taught us to give other children our used toys!

Asinamona xem.

It’s game of love after-all asenime lokuba emotional please. Siyanicela tu.
That’s the spirit we hope will prevail between the two players tomorrow leka-Somhlolo, as we know they will be both in the starting line ups of their respective teams.

At least lo-Sisi lona is not like the one lesifundze ngaye emaphepheni kutsi she had one baby and three different baby daddies.
That one is our hero of the year shem. Siyamvuma. Siyamvuma nalo-Sisi lona, ngoba naye udlale mlaba-laba wakhe xem naye by leaving the maroon and white of the Manzini City for the black and white of the Capital City.

Welcome to mamaland and babaland, newlyweds ... Dankie siyabonga!

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