Nothing serious is being or has been done to eliminate the corruption scourge. That is why some individuals have the courage to ask for money so that people can be added to the list of food aid beneficiaries. Due to the easy availability of the sources of information, emaSwati will not be fooled forever and one day they will react wisely or unwisely. Why does government like to wait for the worst scenario before taking action? What is holding it from being proactive? What would happen if government was a product of a democratic dispensation, where power is in the hands of the electorate?
Individuals are blatantly abusing our system of government because they know that nothing will be done to them. It is a downright shame that many people do not know where their next meal will be coming from because of being made to pay to be included in the list of food aid beneficiaries.
Government must realise that the real enemies of the country are those who dine with them. We will not see an end to corruption if people are able to do whatever they want and get away with it. This thing must come to an end immediately. This issue has the potential of causing anarchy and we do not want that in the country. History is the best teacher in this regard. We should also carry the blame for electing into office unscrupulous individuals who are only out to enrich themselves. We should learn to vote for ideology and philosophy of governance. If we continue to vote for unprincipled people, they will come back to bite us as they have done in instances of corruption. Yes complaints about certain irregularities from the populace are ignored or swept under the carpet but we, the people, must play our part. We need to deal with this issue decisively because we might find ourselves alone, with countries not prepared to come to our rescue in our time of need.
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