We are definitely not out of the woods yet as a country. In all honesty, what has been happening in recent months made me realise that nothing positive or worthwhile is going to be achieved as we still have people who are either refusing to be accountable, shifting blame or pretending all is good and well. There is absolutely nothing that is reassuring. You can write a book on what you expect from government as well as leaders of this nation and nothing you mention could come to fruition. Everything goes to show that we live in a country where people sell dreams instead of execution. This, therefore, makes it quite difficult to even assess or criticise anything said because all that is said is merely a façade and lacks depth.
Most public officials just throw some words together and hope someone will be fooled enough to believe that what they are saying is true and will be beneficiary. The continuous talking and no action has characterised the leadership in this country for years now and true to the Bible; there is nothing new under the sun.
All speeches lack innovation and depth and are just a mere recycle of previous ones. It is as though we are all just stuck in a hamster wheel. There’s nothing new in wanting to revive the economy, everyone wants that, but we need more than that. We are being subjected to mediocrity in terms of service delivery promises and we are expected to lay by the wayside and accept whatever we are given. The poor taxpayer, who works so hard just to ensure a better life for people, who barely makes his or her life easier yet that should be their mandate.
The citizenry is tired and are close to assuming an attitude of not caring. There neither is nothing promising nor is there anything to write home about concerning anything happening in Parliament, all we are witnessing are grown men and women making sure they at least have something to say in order for their monthly salary to be justified, other than that, there is zilch that we can expect, in all honesty. There is nothing to look forward to in terms of the leadership in this country.
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