The narrative of emaSwati being a peace-loving and a happy nation needs to be revisited and reassessed in the wake of recent occurrences and what appears to be wholesale social behavioural transformation cutting right across the nation. What is emerging from the social transformation, if you may call it that, is a nation that has unburdened itself of all civility while undressing itself of the moral robes with which it has been covering itself to project a false veneer of a humble, respectful and peaceful nation. EmaSwati are now an uninhibitively angry and violent nation.
Until now I have been naïve enough to think, indeed believe, that in every one of God’s creations in the form of Homo-sapiens resides some goodness in them. I believed that one day before exiting this world we will all cross our personal Rubicon, wherein we concede and admit the wrongs we have done to fellow Homo-sapiens and then ask them and God for forgiveness for these transgressions. Over time the silence of the people has been interpreted as peace. The Constitution has not restored respect of the individuals or the rights and liberties alienated by the 1973 King’s Proclamation. The Constitution only exists when the powers that be say so but otherwise it is in permanent abeyance.
At some point the anger that has been building over the years occasioned by bad governance and having little or no say on how the people are governed will once again find ventilation at some stage or the other. That is a given. The violence on the streets, at home and just about everywhere else may be a manifestation of worse to come at national level. Nowadays, taking a life is as simple as squashing a fly. It is happening all over, even in public spaces. Rape, even of babies, is now also a daily occurrence, mostly perpetrated by blood relatives. The sanctity of life has been lost and the moral fibre of society long severed. Men and women of the cloth, we often look up to for moral leadership and guidance, are the devils incarnate, only interested in money and material possessions just like the national leadership.
Besides political oppression and bad governance, the people of this country are facing too many challenges varying from poverty, disease, joblessness, etc, while those in leadership and their cronies are enjoying the trappings of a First World nation, always planning the next party. Yes, the people are angry because there is nothing or very little they are happy about and to live for, hence the violence that is gradually intertwining itself into the fabric of the lifestyle of emaSwati.
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