Being a self-proclaimed perfectionist myself, I have always wondered about the saying ‘the customer is always right’. This is because in my opinion people tend to use this to downplay your products as the producer or distributor and discredit the time and effort you have put in to ensure that your products are perfect. In as much as a complaining paying customer has a right to be given what they demand, they do not know the trouble those who assemble the product and further deliver it go through in order to ensure it is perfect.
I am afraid sometimes the customer is a condescending jerk who knows whatever they suggest will be considered right because of the aforementioned saying. However, what most product holders and distributors might fail to accept is that the customer might be drifting from the majority point of view, what appeals to Betty might not appeal to Nathan. The reason why this particular subject is of importance to me is because, generally, I am an observer. I have seen how customers are pulling content producers and every other production company or distributor of services by the horn.
The customer says jump and we say how high, because that is who we are selling to right? Well I beg to differ. Some of these so-called loyal customers are know-it-alls, whose opinion is a mere grain of salt in a basin full of it and their opinion might not even be the majority view. I say this to caution those who rely solely on what the customer or consumer of a product has to say. Do not be easily swayed by people who claim to have a problem with what you are selling because most of them, unfortunately, are idiots who do not have an inkling of the art behind what you do. Someone could simply tell you what to do and what sells and you will take that and run with it, not knowing that 100 people do not agree with them. What then happens is that you are stuck with a product that only appeals to one person and then the 100 others ditch you and unfortunately for you, you are never aware of that until you check the numbers, because they never lie.
What you need to do is stick to your vision and intuition and produce what appeals to you, that is how most rich people have made it. Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right and they are going to destroy you, but you see believing in your product or art is more powerful than what the consumer has to say, because the target market will always avail itself. What the masses want sometimes cheapens the product and the ones who have the money to buy your product end up disappearing and all you are left with are people who have a lot to say about what you are selling but have very little money to buy it.
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