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One day the dots will connect and you will look back in hindsight and say ‘Oh wow! I’m proud of myself’ or you’ll say ‘I wish I could turn back the hands of time; to mend my mistakes’.

The aforementioned remarks can depend on the quality of choices you have made in the past, for it has been repeatedly emphasized that the choices we make, either make or break us.

As we are embarking on this odyssey called life, we have to be cognizant that while we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. Having said that, it is of paramount importance to do something today that your future self will thank for.

Whatever you do, let it propel you to your destiny. Set your priorities straight, in other words know what you are aiming for in life. If you chase two rabbits at once you will lose them both, commit your focus and your actions to the path that leads to the pinnacle of your success. Yes! You can do anything but not everything. Be single-minded.

Sort the invaluable from the worthless (separate the wheat from the chaff). If something (or someone) does not add value into your life, then it (or that person) does not belong in your life. You need to be selective in life, not everything is beneficial (good) for you. I hope you’re well acquainted with the fact that says life is the sum total of what you do consistently (habitually), having said that, you ought to expend your energy and time wisely. Good enough, there is always a right step in the wrong way.


If you are going the opposite direction (as per  pursuit of your dreams), the right step is to make a U-turn. Therefore, if you were spending time on activities (or people) that do not add value to your success, then you need to redesign your life priorities. Failure to establish correct priorities causes you to waste your two most important commodities: your time and your energy. Life is lived by design not by default, so before embarking on the journey towards your end-goal, you need to have a well-structured plan that will act as a road map on how you will achieve your goals.

When we reflect on our lives we do get to choose whether it will be in celebration or regret, this is entirely dependent on the quality of your choices. I’m always in love with the words of Bishop David O.

Oyedepo which says, “the quality of your decisions determines the colour of your destiny.” Let me challenge you today to take it upon yourself, to shape and decorate your future through the choices you make. No one can create your future, the onus is on you to create the future you desire. From now on: let your daily actions get you closer to where you want to be. Remember that your choices are leading you inexorably to either success or failure.

Sanele Robert Mbingo

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