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Nkilongo MP Timothy Myeni and Ncandweni have this soul searching song titled ‘Ukhonzaphi’. Its core is in the so many mushrooming churches and the so called ‘men of the cloth’.

Whenever I read the Bible I read it with the hope of understanding the life before Christ and during Christ then after He had left earth. Jesus Himself has never established what we call a ‘church’ but He had what we call ‘disciples’ who their purpose was to learn from Him so that when He was physically no longer with them, they would be able to do exactly as He did.

The Word proves so, where He says ‘go and make all nations my disciples’ not ‘go and build and create churches and crook people’.
Now, going to church and owning one seems the in-thing and if you don’t go there you are perceived as an Anti- Christ. What I have fished out from my Bible is that, God is not in church but He is everywhere and anywhere no matter the time. Going to church is a earthly thing which was introduced to us by the Romans because to them the gospel turned into religion.


Going to church does not make you better than them who never set foot. Going to church never makes you more relational with God but going to church does make you the pastor’s favourite and also it makes you aware of church practices.

I told someone that going to church is no guarantee that you’ll make it to heaven. God does not seek churchgoers but saints. Saints are them that are in a relationship with God, them who stumble but know that God loves them still.

Those who focus on bettering themselves and also others with out throwing shades or even judgements. Saints are those who don’t act for God, they give Him all their faults.
Stop pointing fingers at people because they don’t fall in your area of thinking. Whether you go to church or you don’t, that’s your choice which has nothing to do with God but accepting Him in your space is what will see all of us get to heaven.

Whether you smoke, drink or do any other immoral acts, if you know who God is and have a personal relationship with Him, if you were to die now, you would be with the saints. It is not our works which will make us dwell with God but our relationship with Him.

Lastly, no matter what your child does, it’ll never change that they are yours. Their behaviour has nothing to do with their birthright. Invite God in and He’ll do all the work. He’ll tell you what not and what to do, not your pastors, they might be lost just like you; after all they are human too.

Ncamiso M.M

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