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Imagine if you were given a 5 000 piece puzzle to complete, how long do you think it would take you to complete it? Well, that’s anyone’s guess but I’m pretty sure it is not a one day assignment.

As I pondered on this question I was tempted to ask yet another question, if we can’t complete a 5 000 piece puzzle in one day, why do we try to live our lives all in one day? Where does this expectation of everything in life having to happen all at once come from?

We have become so impatient with ourselves and have succumbed to so much pressure to achieve and be successful in life that we have missed the journey that life truly is. Life is a journey many have missed.

The pressure put on us by peers and society today has become so much that being different has become feared more than any other deadly thing. People would rather walk in the shadows of others or live lives taking many forms because, dare to be different; you may find yourself isolated or lonely. This is the reason I’m challenged and also challenging you with this letter; I’m saying dare to be different. Don’t allow yourself to lose the opportunity to be you because someone’s opinion of you may differ from who you know yourself to be. That’s okay, we were never intended to be the same. Embrace your uniqueness and when you start doing that people will too.


Be yourself, the world will adjust. Don’t lose yourself trying to impress other people, whom you may find may not even be impressed by you. It’s okay to be different, what isn’t okay is you trying to be someone who you are not. Live your truth but most importantly be true to yourself.

I’m reminded of a story of two married couples who were neighbours – there was the Thompsons and the Scotts. Mrs Scott lived admiring the life their neighbours lived.

The Thomson family was a couple seen to be really in love, as interpreted by Mrs Scott who noticed them every morning and evening when they went to work. Mr Thompson would be seen by Mrs Scott opening the door of the car for Mrs Thompson and Mrs Scott, feeling that was what she would also like her husband to do for her. She admired that and wished for it, such that one day she asked her husband why he didn’t open the door for her when she went in or out of the car.

This really bothered Mrs Scott and one day she decided to ask Mrs Thompson how she got her husband to be such a gentleman. Mrs Thompson said; “Oh, he does that because the door on the passenger’s side of the car has a problem opening and we don’t have money to fix it. So until then my husband opens and closes the door for me.


My point, is grass is green where it is watered, not on the other side as it may seem, so live your life. Work hard and strive to be the best that you can be. Be content with you being you and know that you are purposed, wonderfully and fearfully made. You will achieve what others have, just not in their way and not at their time but as long as you keep focused, and stop chasing every trend, all in God’s good  time it shall come to pass. Remember that life is a journey, not a race or competition.

Miss Vee

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