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For a few years now I have been teaching this truth, contentious as it may be, (luckily, these are my personal sentiments and not the views of the Times of Swaziland) that the current bank Microchip Embedded Debit Cards are that Bible prophecy ‘Mark of the Beast’ in its finality, and that there will never ever be a future when people will be engraved with a 666 on their foreheads.

It would be prudent at this juncture for me to qualify the Bible truth that the Microchip Embedded bank Debit Cards and Credit Cards that the people of God now possess is that Mark of the Beast that John wrote about in Revelation 13 verses 16 and 17: (16) “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. (17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”.  KJV)

The first thing to bring to the fore of course is the identities of the prophecy players, namely the Revelation 13 and Daniel 7 (strange) Ruling Beast, the second servant beast that came up out of the land which serves the ruling Beast, the Image of the Beast (person) which is also referred to as the False Prophet, and also called the Anti-Christ, whom the Church of God believes is yet to come in the future when in actual fact he was inaugurated into power in January 2009.

Many Bible versions of the scriptures do tend to vary in the final meaning and interpretation in some words and phrases. When this occurs, I always refer to the King James Version of the Holy Bible because that version is the original translation from the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts to English. It is the version I can trust in the final analysis. I need you to note what the King James Version says of the mark: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads”.

When the translation work on many of the later Bible versions after the King James Version was carried out, it already was a foregone conclusion in the minds of the translators that since John spoke of a ‘mark,’ albeit in symbolic language, and that mark would be a three figure digit, the 666, it would then be a mark placed, or engraved ‘ON’ the hand or forehead. It seemed obvious that people would be ‘marked’.
The word ‘ON’ would then be an improvement from the King James Version of the ancient medieval ages English.

Read an in-depth account on this subject from my eBook, ‘WarTimes’ and other articles I have compile to cover topics such as ‘The great Tribulation’ ‘A Chance foe Second Chance’ (for the holy Christians who will have been left behind when the Lord Jesus returns for His Church, an event quite imminent as we speak. Send an email to:nkambulepkn@gmail.com for free downloads. Please note that none of this material is for sale because I don’t sell the Word of God. 

Apostle Kenneth Nkambule
Pigg’s Peak

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