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Seven times in the book of Revelation Christ mentions the book of life. However, in Psalm 56:8 David refers to another book that belongs to God.

The Bible says; “You tell my wanderings; put my tears into your bottle: are they not in your book?” Malachi also referenced this book when he said; “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name,” (Malachi 3:16).

The immediate context in Malachi 3:13-18 shows us that the people were complaining that the Lord did not care about the nation’s sins. Those who practiced evil and injustice appeared to escape unnoticed, and thus many wondered why they should serve the Lord and live righteously when evil seemed to go unpunished. It is easy in this world, where so much injustice exists, to wonder if justice will ever be done. The message here, however, is that God knows all these things, and He will reward those who are faithful to Him.

The book of remembrance contains every good deed, every victory won and every temptation overcome. The reporting angels faithfully record every act of faithful service done for the Lord. Every encouraging word, every unselfish deed, every sacrifice made, the Lord has carefully placed there as a witness to the universe that you are indeed His child. This book will play a vital role during the time of judgment; “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil,”

(Ecclesiastes 12:14). Satan will stand to accuse us before God that we are not worthy of eternal life. He will point to all our sins and lay our faults in the worst possible light, declaring that we don’t deserve any more than he does to be saved. Revelation 12:10 calls satan the “accuser of the brethren, which accused them before our God day and night.” Jesus does not excuse our sins, but rather points to the immortalized record of our lives and shows satan that every one of those sins have been confessed and forgiven by Him, that His blood covers them and only our good deeds remain. This is very good news for us! But we must also remember not to take the mercy of God and His grace lightly by trying to cover up or ignore our sins. They must be confessed and forsaken.

Sins that have not been repented of and forsaken will not be pardoned and blotted out of the record, but will stand as a witness against us in judgment. May God help us search our hearts sincerely and make things right with Him. How have we regarded right acts? How have we treated one another? Has God’s righteous law, the Ten Commandments, been given a place in our hearts? Even more important, where does God fit into our lives? Friends let us not be weary in doing good: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)

Gwinyai Bopoto

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