Home | Letters | WHAT VISION 2022 REALLY MEANS


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The other day I happened to have a chat with two gentlemen while buying roasted maize along the ever busy Matsapha road. One of the gentlemen said we were looking forward to 2022 yet we did not know what it was bringing for us. We had a very interesting and informative conversation on that subject.

First World status does not mean we will have flying cars, it does not mean there will be no poverty or crime. Neither does it mean there shall be no unemployment. What the King did was to sell the vision to the entire Swazi populace.

This, therefore, means the execution and implementation of the vision is incumbent on all stakeholders; individuals and body corporate in Swaziland and beyond. Government must provide a level playing field in terms of legislation, opportunities, education and financial assistance for businesses, among a host of others.

Citizens, young and old should also play their part; meaning, each and every one of us must do anything and everything possible to make the vision a reality. In whatever we are doing, be it in business or any other endeavour growth and expansion are key and if it’s service delivery it should be at its best. 

We must all play a significant role towards that vision, individually, collectively and otherwise.
If government thinks that this is attainable single-handedly it should think again. If we do not work collectively 2022 will come and pass and we will not be a First World country.

This calls for a change in our mindset and attitude; we need to start thinking about where we would be in terms of improving our livelihoods and standards, as opposed to thinking what 2022 will bring for us. That calls for everyone to play their role efficiently for the greater good.

Attaining First World status should not only be limited to tall buildings, big hospitals, good road infrastructure and a thriving economy but the citizens of the country must be actively involved in all this, they must have a stake and have their lives improved, which must be a personal decision and a collective effort to improve their lives and create their own first world in whatever task they are engaged in.


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