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The Bible tells us that God already knew us long before we were formed in the womb and that He knows about our entire existence even before we are born.

It is He who gives us the breath of life.
Nobody chooses to be born, nobody chooses where to be born and nobody chooses the bodies in which we are born. We only get to have choices once we are born. God gave everyone free will. The free will is the reason why people cannot be forced to believe something which they do not understand or follow an ideology which they do not identify with. They have power to decide for themselves and not just be expected to follow the herd like sheep.
Humanity has made huge strides in the field of scientific discovery and most people are now knowledgeable about subjects such as the laws of physics. One of the law of physics states that for every action there is an opposite reaction.
Assuming that every action requires the expenditure of energy in order to obtain a reaction, even spoken words will result in a reaction.

That is why the Bible says there is power in the tongue. After all, God spoke the universe into existence and His word is the energy force driving the laws of physics.
Even the globalised world we now live in is a result of past actions which we now consider to be historical events.
The advent of the slave trade, for example, resulted in the appearance of African people on other continents such as America and Asia, and this in turn led to the emergence of entirely new cultures and people of mixed ancestry. In fact scientists who conducted random DNA tests on people from diverse ethnic background along a London street revealed that sometimes people who consider themselves to be of European descent may actually have African and Asian ancestry while a person of African descent may actually have native American or European ancestry

This is a reality which many people prefer to ignore even though it is a scientific fact. Perhaps it does not fit in with their worldly nationalist ideologies in which humanity becomes divided into us and them based on skin colour or religion.
We are all simply the result of past actions and it is our actions in the present time that will determine the future for those yet to come.


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