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One gospel artist once said a simple thank you goes a long way, while the heavens compare a simple thank you to faith, which in turn is the only thing that pleases God.

One time Jesus Christ healed 10 leapers and only one came back with words of appreciation and Jesus said throughout all Judea that He had not seen such faith. This revelation drives me to the point of thanking Jesus Christ and all those linked with His life on earth.
Thank you wise men from the East for listening to God and following the star; thank you for not giving away all the information to Herod to avoid the killing of baby Jesus. Thank you King Herod for trying to kill baby Jesus; you brought blessings upon Africa because baby Jesus graced our wonderful continent with His presence.

Thank you Mary and Joseph for taking care of our King, teaching Him all you could according to your earthly minds. Thank you John the Baptist for announcing the coming of our saviour in human form and thank you for baptising our King. Thank you to the 12 disciples for believing in Jesus and deciding to follow Him. Thank you for standing by Him even when everyone was leaving Him.
Thank you Judas Iscariot for betraying Christ; you taught us a very valuable lesson that it is the very close people who betray us. Thank you Peter for denying Jesus; Christ taught us the lesson of forgiveness because when He rose from the dead He said first tell Peter I have risen from the dead.

Thanks to the Jews for brutally murdering our Lord and Saviour, you fulfilled the prophecy that Christ shall be killed by His own people for the expatiation of our souls and our beings. Thank you to the criminal on the cross for asking for forgiveness from Jesus and wanting to be part of His kingdom; you taught us that anyone is welcomed in the kingdom of God no matter their sins. You also taught us that even at your last breath a person can inherit eternal life. And lastly I would like to thank Jesus Christ for humbling Himself from being God into human form and dying for our sins and the healing of our diseases, Amen.

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