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After a few minutes of venting (spiritual-momentary madness) due to attacks the mind had been enduring almost half of the night, a story in the Bible came to mind, Moses and the children of Israel. I know a lot of people remember Moses and Israel for so many different things, but my mind always finds something unique in every subject I study. Let me touch a single subject that reminds me of the children of Israel and Moses (leadership).

Moses being raised in Pharaoh’s household, being raised and taught all he needed to know about leadership. He was groomed on the Egyptian way of living, as well as different lectures on different aspects of life.
He still remembered that he was not part of the Egyptian nation, it is not because he was reminded by those he lived with in the palace. It was embedded in his DNA, in his chromosomes he knew it deep down that he was a Jew and did not need to be taught the Jewish way of living. That is why he always felt something in his heart about slavery of the Jew.

I am talking about a young man taught in all military abilities, a young man well equipped with all leadership understanding and a young man taught about the different gods that are worshiped in Egypt. I think it took Moses so many sleepless nights pondering about his differences with his Egyptian family as well as his enslaved nation. This kind of thoughts led to him losing a life as well as losing his place in the royal palace and Egyptian nation.
Moses had to go through the desert, he had to run through waste lands, he had to climb mountains, through valleys, run over shallow rivers, run across the desert to make sure that he ran as far away from Pharaoh as possible. While in the desert he had to look after his father-in-law’s sheep, he had to let go of his Egyptian academic accolades, humble himself and had to lead practically but this time it had to be sheep. This is where he first met the Lord and remembered his previous episode with the Egyptians with whom he was supposed to negotiate the release of Israel.

It is a known fact that every person in life has to face his/her own fears, face the things which they are most dreadful of. Moses now had to go back, go back to a place where he was not even sure he would come out alive. I know that most people would think that coming out of Israel was dependent on the negotiation between Moses and Pharaoh but rather that’s not the case, I think the most important work Moses had to complete was to convince the Israelites.

It was to change their 400-year mind of slavery, to help them stop thinking like slaves, and start thinking like free people. A nation led in motion, I mean a nation of about plus 100 million people with their baggage and treasures led by Moses, Miriam and Aron on motion through the wilderness for years. An experience I so much  wish to vision, a path we reminisce, as the saying goes it’s a path filled with mountains and valleys, hold on.

Siphiwo S Lushaba (siphiwolushaba@gmail.com)

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