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I think now is the right time to speak; I speak not in regards of myself but to look out for the well-being of others. The Jesus of the new age movement is not the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth; in fact it is antichrist spirit. Jesus Christ doesn’t share his throne and dominion with other supposed ‘gods’ and I stand in the defence of the gospel.

The ascended masters are fallen angels. I was once deceived but when I began reading the word of God, the Lord had mercy on me and the spirit of truth shone light on the fact I was deceived. If you have a past in the occult or new age movement and feel like you were called by a dream, vision, or such, please examine the fruits of that dream. What I thought was my true calling to follow Jesus Christ wasn’t at all but it was a spirit trying to lead me further astray to another gospel. Because of my sin I opened doors to that deceiving spirit.

These spirits masquerade as a light but the fruits they produce are not that of the Holy Spirit but they produce the fruit of a Pharisee religious spirit, or else the person continues on in the same sins as before with no will to repent. It denies the power of the blood of Christ to cleanse you of all your sin, therefore leaving the person feeling condemned with a distorted view of God. A lot of these people think they are prophets and have religious pride but they are deceived and their prophecies will not come to pass. I was deceived by these spirits, but as time went on I knew something wasn’t right. I began crying to God for the truth because everywhere I turned I saw deception. I was damned because I believed a lie.

I went to a deliverance ministry and they used occultic inner healing methods and I knew it wasn’t right, and when I look around I cry ‘where are your people Lord? Have they all turned aside unto lies’?
What changed for me is that now I look to the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ. I look to the atonement of his blood, and though I struggle, my faith is still in what Jesus has done for me, his finished work on the cross, his resurrection and the power of his blood to cleanse a sinful wretch like me. My hope is in his mercy, as his word says He delivers those who are drawn to death, and to those who sat in darkness and the shadow of death a light arose. If it wasn’t for the Lord, I’d still be deceived. Jesus said no one can come to me unless the Father draws him and I will raise him up on the last day.

B Dlamini

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