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Swaziland my beloved country is aiming to be a First World country by 2022. I wish her all the luck and praise for the effort.

First of all let us understand what ‘First World’ means to our government. I think they have the idea that airports, billion Emalangeni buildings or highways will make us a First World country.

How long will it take the country to get back all the money spent on the airport? We still have the same or less of amount of people flying in and out the country as we had in the old airport. Structures do not make a country First World, they just give it the appearance.

My definition of First World is access to basic amenities such as water and electricity, education, health services and so on.
We had one of the best universities in the southern side of Africa but the entries to the university have dropped over the years because government is holding scholarship back, as Swazis we have the right to it. UNISWA has been the bread and butter for our Swazis, the nation’s pride.

Health, when was the last time one of the government officials went to a government clinic in Swaziland? If they are  happy with the service they are giving us why are they not using it themselves, why are they always flying out of the country when they fall sick. Make us trust what you give us by using it yourself. While still on health, what are the grants you give the elderly? Which First World country has no money for its citizens but can spend on structures and cars?

Water is one of the biggest problem in our rural areas, is there something being done there? Are millions or billions being spent on boreholes?
Let Swaziland start improving on those things and we will get to First World much faster, a happy nation is easy to work with.

Internet definition; First World is viewed as countries that have the most advanced economies, the greatest influence, the highest standards of living, and the greatest technology. After the Cold War, these countries of the First World included member states of NATO, US - aligned states, neutral countries that were developed and industrialised, and the former British colonies that were considered developed.

It can be defined succinctly as Europe, plus the richer countries of the former British Empire (USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand) and Japan. Countries were also placed into the First World based on how civilised the country was considered. According to Nations Online, the member countries of NATO after the Cold War were included.

What I see

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