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Do you ever ask your own true questions?  Or do you just rely on other’s answers?  I, for one, am not satisfied with other’s answers.  Not because they may be wrong.  But because they are their answers, not mine. 

The only way I know something to be true, is to have directly experienced it for myself.
I come from another world.  A world that is abundantly different in many respects from Swaziland.  Not entirely different of course.  For that is the point.  On an energetic level, there is no difference.  When we allow our cultures, our communities, our so-called leaders whose powers we bestow upon our lives to tell us what to think and how to feel and act, then we then see the separateness amongst us.

Now I may not get much applause in regards to what I am about to say.  But I’m not looking for applause.  It’s not important for you to agree with me or disagree with me.  It is only important that you ask your own questions for yourself.  And in many respects do we really need the answers.  Much of life cannot be answered.  How wonderful.  I choose to celebrate the mysteries of life.

Like I said, I come from another world.  A world where there are numerous beliefs and non-beliefs.  And I have seen so much loving kindness from people that label themselves as Black, White, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Agnostics, Atheists and others.  I have also experienced so much ignorance and unconscious behaviour from those same ‘labels’.   So my direct experience tells me that the labels we (and others) place upon ourselves are not important but the acts, the behaviours that we live by are what is important. 

Why do we have these labels?  Is it because it makes us feel secure knowing on the surface that others are supposedly like us?  Is it to help us cope with life?  Do we need to worship anything outside of ourselves?  Why?  Don’t our own truths lie within ourselves?  Don’t you see that all these labels just create separateness between us, where really no separateness exists. 

I’ll explain.  What we see, feel, taste, touch and smell is all so limited.  The underlying energy that is beyond that is far more bountiful.  If we are conscious enough to tap in to that constantly moving energy of sub-atomic particles, we wouldn’t see any differences in skin colour.  We wouldn’t see any differences in cultures or in countries or in continents.  We wouldn’t see any differences in religions or beliefs or non-beliefs.  All we would see is the connectedness that we all share. 

On a metaphysical level there is no difference between Noxolo or Robert or Adolph Hitler or Mother Teresa for that matter.  There really is no separateness at all.  We are all part of each other, for now and for all eternity.
Do you realise that if you were born and raised somewhere else, you would probably have an entire belief system different then the one that you have here in Swaziland?  If you were from India you may very well believe in Hinduism.  From much of the Middle-East Muslimism. 

From Israel, Judaism.  From Brazil, Catholicism.  And in many places in the world that is turning away from religion, to Agnosticism or Atheism.   But you are the same person.  You just happened to be born and raised in Swaziland.  You were just conditioned to believe or not believe certain things because of what you have been told by your parents, by your communities, by your cultures and by those you have bestowed the ‘power’ to. 

But you have the power to follow your own path.  You have the power to follow your own truth.  You have the power to ask your own questions.  You have the power to not accept blindly.  You have the power to go beyond the limitations that others have placed upon you and that you have placed upon yourself.

Ask the questions.  And listen to the answers that are true to you.  And then you may find a life with your own true meaningful experiences. And with that, contentment.

Bob Justice

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