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Jabulani Nxumalo for FA presidency!

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MBABANE – Former National Football Association of Swaziland (NFAS) Vice President Jabulani Nxumalo is set to make a comeback to local football administration.

The former SRIC employee has been approached by the NFAS affiliates for nomination in the upcoming general elections set for July 5.
The affiliates who are known to this publication have asked Nxumalo to contest for the presidency post, where he is set to compete with the incumbent Adam Bomber Mthethwa and PLS chairman Moses Motsa.

He confirmed when called yesterday, and made it clear that he is ready to serve football again.
“I was approached by three men from different affiliates to accept nomination for the upcoming elections.

I do not know whether they were mandated to approach me or not, but all I did was to avail myself because football is in my blood. I have been following football from the sidelines, and my desire is to help end the factional mindset that has destroyed the game,” he said.

Nxumalo said it is time football resembles a united force, to be able to open a window that would be attractive to the business community desired by the sport.

“There is no use mourning over the failed mission to make it for 2010, instead we should use that as a stepping stone for future opportunities. We need to streng-then the feeder structures to the national team in order to achieve our goals. I have in mind structures such as the school of excellence that will attract raw talent for nurturing,” he said.

He said he was ready to serve in any of the three posts within the FA presidency. His return comes at a time when associations are expected to submit their nominees or the elections. There are already reports of intense lobbying from some of the people earmarked for the presidential position.

Those eligible to cast their votes during the NFAS elections are the Manzini Regional Football Association (MRFA), Shiselweni Regional Football Association (SRFA), Lubombo Regional Football Association (LRFA) and the Hhohho Regional Football Association (HRFA). Others are the Swaziland Coaches Association (SCA), Premier League of Swaziland (PLS) and the National Referees Association of Swaziland (NRAS).

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