NGOs a home of corruption
In your nation focused newspaper please allow me to unveil how Non-Governmenal Organisations (NGOs) have escaped criticism yet could have long been devoured by the fearful and corrupt anti-corruption unit.
If only we had an anti-corruption unit, we wouldn’t be having so much corruption arrogantly perusing through our NGOs.
Truly speaking taking nothing from some of the NGOs who tirelessly spend towards helping the nation, some of them do so while fattening their own pockets in the name of poverty stricken and HIV stricken Swazis.
Talk of an audit, these NGOs would always be found as white as snow, its only that our very auditors are not being properly monitored so they get their monthly salary and also the bribes.
This is what most people do not know, NGOs have come in the name of the impoverished and sick Swazi nation but the first thing that gets into the list of the people heading these organisations is their names whenever spending.
Secondly what has actually pushed me is that these NGOs have a lot that they are doing on paper but there is little they deliver. In short they are not doing their work.
They are doing something but to me it’s not up to my expectations. First of all they employ the wrong people into the jobs because they don’t even know who can do the job better.
Anti corrupt
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