Times Of Swaziland: POLICE TO ARREST ‘STOKVEL’ ORGANISERS POLICE TO ARREST ‘STOKVEL’ ORGANISERS ================================================================================ BY THEMBA ZWANE AND MELISA MSWELI on 15/04/2020 01:05:00 MAZOMBIZWE – They are in hot soup. These are Mazombizwe ‘stokvel’ organisers who the police are searching for after contravening the COVID-19 regulations. This is after unknown people organised a social soccer tournament known as ‘stokvel’ at Mazombizwe Mahlandle Sports Ground this past Saturday. It was police who came and saved the day before many more lives could be put in danger. Not only did they put their own lives in danger, but they also defied the new COVID-19 regulations that were put in place by government. National Commissioner of Police William Dlamini said the organisers of the tournament would answer and faced arrest. “We will get a report on who organised the tournament and they must be arrested,” said Dlamini. The national commissioner urged the nation to adhere to the government COVID-19 regulations. He said world organisations and the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs had warned people against gathering for sports activities. “We urge emaSwati to respect, they have now put the name of sports into disrepute as it appears people in sports are defiant,” he said. Section 25 (1) of the regulations reads; “In order to contain the spread of COVID-19, a gathering of more than 20 people is prohibited.” It further provides that a person who contravenes a provision of the regulations commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine of E25 000 or a term of imprisonment not exceeding two years. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed the matter. She stated that when they approached the players, they ran helter-skelter and they could not apprehend any of them. “We condemn that especially because the regulations state clearly that gatherings are prohibited,” she said.