Times Of Swaziland: PUPIL JUMPS OFF MOVING VEHICLE PUPIL JUMPS OFF MOVING VEHICLE ================================================================================ BY NONDUMISO MTSETFWA on 08/06/2017 08:36:00 MANZINI – The increase in kidnapping incidents resulted in a pupil jumping off a moving vehicle in fear that he might be abducted. The high school pupil from Dvokolwako in the Manzini region, is said to have jumped off the moving vehicle after the driver passed his drop-off spot. The scholar is said to have done so in fear that he was being kidnapped. The incident reportedly occurred last week in full view of other pupils and members of the public. Information gathered is that the male pupil, whose age could not be ascertained, hitched a ride from a certain car driven by a male after school. Once in the car, the pupil is said to have informed the driver where he intended to be dropped off. However, the driver is said to have driven past the pupils station and when the scholar tried to tell him that he had passed, the man continued driving. Fearing for his life, the pupil is said to have opened the passenger door while the car was moving and immediately jumped out. Members of the public and some pupils watched in shock as the boy rolled over on the road. The driver is said to have immediately stopped the car and ran straight to where the boy had landed, possibly to inspect if he sustained any injuries. Things went on a downward spiral for the man who probably thought he was doing a good deed. “A s soon as the crowd realised that the man was driving the car where the boy had jumped off, they started manhandling him,” said an eyewitness. She said the man tried to explain that he did not hear the pupil when he asked to get off at the previous station, which was at Zandondo, but his explanation fell on deaf ears. It was alleged that some of the pupils who manhandled the man were the boy’s schoolmates. It was later gathered that these pupils were reportedly suspended for engaging in such. When contacted, the school’s Deputy Head Teacher confirmed that a pupil was witnessed jumping out of a moving vehicle. However, the people who were involved in the scuffle only included members of the public. He further said he was not aware of any pupils being suspended at the school over it. Deputy Police Information and Communications Officer Assistant Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed knowledge of the incident. She said a formal report was not made yet.