Times Of Swaziland: IS ALCOHOL REALLY COVID-19 RISK? IS ALCOHOL REALLY COVID-19 RISK? ================================================================================ The Editor on 30/06/2020 00:11:00 Sir, I want to believe that our government smartly excogitated the matter regarding the hike of COVID-19 cases since the unbanning of alcohol and other business sectors being reopened. Alcohol, I declare, is one of the leading factors we are about to reach 1 000 COVID-19 positive people in the country. Nonetheless, are we really blaming alcohol as a major cause of the rapid growth of new infections or is it the irresponsible behaviour of citizens of this country, who drink alcohol irresponsibly? Not only do they share it among themselves but drink it and behave like two-year-old children in the process, thus accelerating the spread of the virus. Suffer The innocent and poor emaSwati who are making a living through selling alcohol to irresponsible people are now going to suffer the consequences of people who fail to drink alcohol responsibly. What will become of the families who solely rely on alcohol sales survive? This means that a family out there will go to bed without food. Challenge What is the challenge of buying liquor and take it home to quench your thirst? What has become of this generation; drinking alcohol in public and, worse, sharing it among themselves knowing very well that we all are living in limbo because of COVID-19 as it is persistently and continuing to strike. The banning of alcohol by government should ring a warning bell to alcohol consumers, particularly those who drink to loiter around and show off their state of sobriety to the whole world. The two months ban of alcohol could have been really avoided. Listen People, the beautiful citizens of Eswatini, must learn to listen. The only thing that made Noah and his descendants survive the flood that killed everything was that they listened. Let us not punish other people’s lives because of our irresponsibility. Together we stand but divided we fall. I am hopeful that when the sale of alcohol resumes we will have people who are responsible enough to love their neighbours, friends and families by imbibing alcohol responsibly. Wakhe Simelane