Times Of Swaziland: ESWATINI MUST BE HEALED ESWATINI MUST BE HEALED ================================================================================ The Editor on 12/07/2018 04:14:00 Sir, The challenges affecting Eswatini seem to be overtaken by corruption and incompetence of the outgoing government. But this is made possible by the failure on the part of the youth to get involved in the politics of the country and to seek effective means of correcting the situation. The country is falling apart and its youth is doing nothing about it. They have allowed themselves to be distracted by lifestyles that are not going to take this country forward. Quite frankly, the country is still struggling to find its feet economically and politically. Optimists may choose to argue differently, but the truth is glaring for all to see. The crimes that have been committed by the outgoing government against the people are numerous and it hurt to have watched these selfish, ignorant and power-hungry individuals collectively jeopardise the future of an entire nation. What will it cost the youth of this kingdom to realise that things are not meant to be the way they are at present and that positive changes are highly urgent, essential and achievable? The country is affected by unemployment, insecurity, poor healthcare, a declining international image, endless looting fuelled by greed, selfishness and ignorance. Yet we pride ourselves as a peaceful nation in the world. From all angles the country is under pressure. Now is the time for our youth to regard the rescue effort as a joint enterprise to secure maximum benefits for all and generations yet unborn. This country must be lifted from the debris, away from the doldrums it has found itself in. Our country must be resurrected. Our country’s sickly position is not making anybody smile, it brings out complaint from even a mentally unbalanced person. It makes a 10-year-old develop wrinkles like elderly people. If willing, the youth can make this country flourish again. This land must be healed. Our youths should rise up to lift our country from the quick sand of injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. They need to rise to kick away anarchy, doom and corruption. It is a challenge but it is also achievable. C Mkholo