Times Of Swaziland: ‘THE BLEEDING OUTCRY’ ‘THE BLEEDING OUTCRY’ ================================================================================ The Editor on 07/12/2017 08:17:00 The real question is ‘why do you find pleasure in seeing others hurting’? Why aren’t you doing anything about that feeling? Let’s dare not go down the road of despair; that road is receding in distance. How then do we deal with this violence so excruciating; this cancer that’s demanding the peace and the lives of our beauty; women. How do we live with this; knowing what’s meant to be our pride is now deprived of its values. What’s meant to be precious is now taken for a joyride down a rocky mountain and turned into a hatred punch bag in the name of the words ‘I love you’. Seriously; have we forgotten what love is? Or is it that we are paying attention to our inattentive weakness? For so long a time we’ve been forgetting who women are and we have been so fixated to what we might take from who women are; beauty. We’ve shifted from the essence of our mended oneness taking our distorted oneness for an absolute perfect match. We grace and we embrace in the term ‘tibi tendlu’. Folks, the people we are losing; women, we aren’t seeing no more. And it’s all about the ruthless goliath so vicious; ‘Gender based violence’. The ‘he gender’ is taking advantage of his advantage; misusing his lonely powerless power in abusive wicked portrayal and forging the unforgiving headline of misfortune. Women are meeting the unformed graveyard portion every single week. Folks not every man is a perpetrator; not every woman is a victim. The people we are losing, the women, we aren’t seeing no more. And it’s all about the vicious giant, gender based violence. It’s ridiculously amazing how we often say ‘my better half’; because now better only describes the depth of bitterness. Now that my better half is so better in bitterness; drowning in sorrow her mind her soul’s distorted. Her eyes are painted bloody, her eyes are swollen; she can’t walk, she’s limping, her legs are crushed. Her bones are broken, her soul so ripped-off, she’s lost herself. Clearly her right, her liberty has been swept away, her tongue is no more. Clearly her speech is crippled, she needs a voice, a voice so gentle; she’s heartbroken, she needs comfort. Her head, her world is spinning; all she needs is counsel, she needs strength, she needs support. All she needs is love. Her peace is tossed away, she needs a voice, a voice so loudest and together crying out NO to gender based violence. Folks the people we are losing, the women, we aren’t seeing no more. Together they need a voice, a voice so informative, a voice so empowering. And please get me, I’m not saying I’m that perfect voice; I’m just a concerned citizen. What we need is a people of awareness standing up to this brutal act; a people rising up against this outrageous plague so epidemic A people of eloquence, so outspoken, never letting up. A people together crying out NO to gender based violence. Folks, the people we are losing, the women, we aren’t seeing no more. Together they need a voice, a voice so informative and together screaming out, NO TO GENDER BASED VIOLENCE.