Times Of Swaziland: MHUBHE PUPILS ACCUSE TEACHER OF SEXUAL ABUSE MHUBHE PUPILS ACCUSE TEACHER OF SEXUAL ABUSE ================================================================================ BY SIBUSISO ZWANE on 08/05/2019 01:17:00 NGCULWINI – Pamphlets inscribed with sexual abuse allegations against a teacher at Mhubhe High School were strewn all over the school and sports ground yesterday. The allegations, which some of were defamatory, were levelled against one of the male teachers of the school who will not be named, because he has not been charged with any wrongdoing. The pamphlets inscribed with the allegations of sexual abuse on pupils were said to have been delivered by pupils in the wee hours of yesterday. In fact, there is mystery surrounding the owners of the pamphlets as there were views that besides the pupils, there were other forces involved in the act. This incident happened just when schools resumed for the second term, after a three- week break. It also happened at the backdrop of ongoing cases pitting Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) President, Mbongwa Dlamini, against the schools administration. Dlamini is a teacher at the school and was last year charged by the Ministry of Education and Training’s Schools Manager Macanjana Motsa, with a litany of misdemeanours - which SNAT has vehemently opposed. Later on, the ministry slapped him with 11 more charges of absenteeism, misconduct and neglect of work. Staff Yesterday, on the first day of the second term, both the staff members and pupils were welcomed by the pamphlets of sexual abuse which were flying all over the school and its surroundings. However, it was gathered that in the morning, the head teacher was not around when the rest of the staff members and pupils made the shocking discovery. As a result, an impeccable source said the deputy head teacher allegedly asked the security guard to collect the pamphlets. In the pamphlets, it was alleged that the staff member sexually abused three former pupils. It is also claimed that currently, he was abusing two pupils and the names of the scholars were mentioned but will not be published for ethical reasons. Again, in the pamphlet, it was alleged that the fingered teacher had turned one of the school offices into a ‘sex den’ where he allegedly had sexual intercourse with the pupils. When this publication paid a visit to the school yesterday, it found inspectors from the Ministry of Education and Training, and they had an audience with the deputy head teacher. The gist of the discussions could not be ascertained by the time of going to print. Thereafter, the deputy head teacher, who had earlier-on promised to attend to this reporter, ended up referring him to the head of the school, since he was available by then for comment on behalf of the school. The head teacher, asked not to comment about the matter because he had just arrived. However, when he was called later on, he said police had been roped in to investigate the matter, especially the owners of the pamphlets.