Times Of Swaziland: THE POWER OF ENDURANCE THE POWER OF ENDURANCE ================================================================================ The Editor on 08/05/2019 00:57:00 Sir, Life can sometimes hand us unexpected situations. It is therefore imperative that we learn how to navigate around seemingly impossible situations. Painful situations are inevitable. They will usually show up in different ways; sometimes through people we love, our work colleagues or family members. How we choose to respond to pain when it comes will usually determine how far we go in reaching our destinies and fulfilling our purpose in life. Pain is not pleasurable, yet it has the potential of producing something of great value within us. Pain can push us towards positive change, exposing our strengths and weaknesses. It can also build character in us and prepare us for our destinies. Yet many of us have been crippled emotionally by disappointing situations in life. Thousands of people have allowed emotional pain to stop them from reaching their destinies. Process Like raw gold, our lives may sometimes need refining processes to remove impurities that distort who we really are. Nevertheless, not all pain contributes to our destiny because some pain is caused by us breaking the rules that God placed in the universe. Sometimes pain can be a consequence of us defying rules and principles that govern certain aspects of life. In this journey of life, we will go through various seasons of pain and joy. The ability to endure pain is the quality needed to survive every form of pain we encounter on the journey of life. Our success in life will be significantly dependent on our response to pain and our ability to endure seasons of pain. Endurance is the power of a person to tolerate unfavorable family, financial, economical, social or workplace conditions. It’s the quality of mental ability to put up with something or somebody unpleasant. Hardships Endurance is that needed ingredient in life that helps us continue to live through hardships. Sometimes in order to achieve and fulfill our purpose in life, we may need to live without certain luxuries for a season and that usually demands endurance and patience. We must always allow adverse situations to provoke excellence within us, as we continue to visualise a great future ahead, and being conscious of the fact that this present process is not our permanent position in life. There is nothing permanent in life. We all must go through the school of testing that will finally graduate us to achievers of destiny and purpose. Tests in life are not designed to frustrate us but rather to build capacity in us and qualify us for new levels in life. React Usually how we act or react towards positive or negative situations in life, may also most likely signify whether we are ready or not for the next level of our purposes. When we concentrate too much on, or are obsessed with scrutinizing other people’s mistakes or weaknesses, we inevitably become oblivious of the big log in our own eyes, and consequently lose the ability to endure adversities of life. No matter what we face in life, we should never quit or give up on our dreams. Endurance will always produce good rewards at the end of it all. When we persist, without losing focus, results in whatever we are doing will come forth. No matter the pain, the time period or the enemies, continue going forward in what you believe is God’s ordained journey for you. C S