Times Of Swaziland: DO NOT MAKE VIOLENCE SHINE DO NOT MAKE VIOLENCE SHINE ================================================================================ The Editor on 06/05/2019 09:04:00 Sir, It’s deadly. Its evil, it’s full of wrath, bloody fists and knives it damages homes, hearts and destroys bonds full of trust. I hate it, if it was man I’d manhandle it, but I sometimes look at myself like I wouldn’t kill a fly. Oh God I have slaughtered chickens for my granny though. Violence I would tie a brick on your neck and throw you into the ocean, and call you deceased. I preach to you now just vanish into the ocean and never come out, find your cousin death and stay together until judgement day. You are full of death and all the lives were lost because of you, you have caused me to write about you. Message The message is directed to the perpetrators of the deadly action who provoke hate and cause a man to feel pity for whoever is suffering. We make life, we cause ourselves to erupt nobody makes us get angry or happy or even frown or to kill. The message is for the ones who felt victimised and are even paralysed because of this killer move by either man or woman. The truth is love conquers all, the truth is light in a deep dark tunnel, the truth gives life to a lifeless soul, the truth sets free all prisoners wrongfully put in a cell. Violence I hate violence and the thought of the word makes all the words in my head run and seek and for me to write about it makes me feel victimised too. It’s a trap, its danger. Lord rescue me. Violence is slowly coming up creeping the walls ready to pounce on someone like a lion. We need to be careful. We need to gird up our loins and run faster than a horse away from it. Nothing amusing is there about it, violence brings pain, it makes a man-woman hate. Violence kills so you need to grow it out and trim the bad out of you. If you don’t, well let me try to scare you, you will be accumulating all the souls you’ve ruined. I have jumped over the fact that you would go to jail, you would lose your loved ones, you would be acting animalistic, you would be destroying your life, you are cruel, you are a bad person. Anger Look there is more to life than just anger. Violence you are just a small fry, I will tune into my mind and tell myself how much of a good person I am. I don’t retaliate with a anger which leads to violence and when somebody makes me angry next time they will not, I will distance myself from the person to save them most of all not to make violence shine, I would rather be the star who acted in the moment, than let violence have the fame. By Musawenkhosi Dlomo