Times Of Swaziland: GIVE WOMEN EQUAL RIGHTS GIVE WOMEN EQUAL RIGHTS ================================================================================ The Editor on 07/05/2019 03:18:00 Sir, The office of the Deputy Prime Minister recently issued a reminder that women were not just sex objects. Such a reminder brings me into the sharp focus on the issue of women representation in leadership positions for example, in Parliament and politics in general. The Constitution of 2005 clearly states that at the first sitting of the House after a general election if there is less than 30 per cent of women, Parliament should elect four women as regional MPs. I It should be noted that during the 2008 and 2013 elections such a constitutional provision was not complied with and the explanation was that regulations were required to carry it out. However, I am glad that during the 2018 elections, the provision was implemented and today we have four female regional MPs in Parliament. This is the right step in the right direction. Elections However, I was concerned though that the election of these women was conducted late and this made them miss out on the opportunity to be appointed into Cabinet yet some of them do have qualities of leading some of the ministries. Lesson I do hope that a lesson has been learnt and that in future, the whole election of regional women will be done in a properly organised manner. As a country, it is high time we showed the world that we recognise the contribution that women can make in terms of development. The time to discriminate against women is over. Now we have to allow them to lead and I can guarantee you we will see the results. Some years ago, it was part of our cultural values that the only place for the woman was the kitchen and that all that was expected of women was submitting to their husbands. This then lead to the misconception that women were just nothing but sex objects. We are over that era, now let us support women and stop discriminating against them. Even when they are leaders in big organisations, there is no need for men to look down upon them. Instead, men should respect them as their leaders who add value to those oirganisations. We have read many reports of women being subjected to sexual abuse because they needed jobs in order to put food on the table. That should come to an end. No man should force a woman to sleep with him just because she is desperate for a job. Concerned Mbabane