Times Of Swaziland: YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE ================================================================================ By Uzanenkhosi Dlamini on 05/03/2019 00:17:00 IN as much as other people’s opinions matter in some decisions we make but at the end of it all the last say is yours. Do not let anyone be the blame for own life, take the driver’s seat and choose your own path. One wrong move in this game you will regret it for your entire life so it is best to have yourself to blame, not anyone else. We have parents and guardians who are there to help us but they too get carried away wishing us to do a certain things which they never got the chance to do, it is true that your biggest enemy can be the one closet to you so it is up to each one of us to choose what to listen to and what not to take from all that. Feel threatened Not everyone will be pleased with the dreams you have, some will feel threatened with all the dreams you are having so it is safer to keep it to yourself as you may never know for sure if other people truly wish you well or ill. The company you keep is very important because it defines you most; it’s rare to find a decent girl amongst a crew of weed smokers or drunkards as it is said birds of the same feather flock together. Some even say ‘show me your friends and I will tell you your future’ we all need our close friends to tell us the truth even when it is bitter, to show us the way even when it may seem dim; all I am trying to say is that do not let the next person take most decisions about your life because they do not know you more than you know yourself and they also do not have the same good wishes you have for yourself. Influenced The same applies to the kind of relationships we keep, do not have a relationship just because everyone has that type of relationship. Nowadays our love relationships are influenced a lot by social media platforms such as Instagram, facebook, you name it. People see celebrity couples dressed in matching outfits and feel like a real couple is suppose to be that way. Truly speaking it does not have to be like that, you choose your own style. Do not be a follower and do things as others do for once just be different, it is your life. Do things you want to do not because you are under pressure or influenced, be happy with your life because if you are not happy with it you will end up letting anyone to have a say at how you should live it. Good choices It is a good feeling to look back at your life and be happy about the good choices you took in the past. The choices you usually take for yourself most of the time are never wrong because you have given it full consideration and a lot of thought. After all, you know what is best for yourself more than anyone. Lastly, remember how special you are, if you cannot tell yourself how unique and beautiful you are then no one will. As I have said, it should all start and end with you … life is great when you know what you want and how you want it, take full control of everything that revolves and happens around you.