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There are a number of different systems of government but democracy remains the globally most preferred because;

* Other systems do not observe or respect the basic  principles of fundamental rights and the universality thereof;
* They do not respect the doctrine of separation of powers
* They do not encourage checks and balances
* Fundamental human rights are not guaranteed.
* Decisions are top-down all the time
* Popular participation is not considered except when they are to pay tax
* The organs of state are not neutral
* Citizens have no rights but the responsibility of paying tax without calling for accountability
*There is no transparency
* Rule of law is  not observed
The other systems of government which are not necessarily democratic are the following:
Communism, Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, Sultanate, Theocracy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Totalitarian, to mention but a few.

How is the Constitution of ESWATINI doing?
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Eswatini, while still at the embryonic stage, it contains certain democratic principles, such as the following;

Chapter 3 with the Bill of Rights contains:
* Protection of right to life
* Protection from slavery and forced labour
*Protection from deprivation of property
* Equality before the law
* Protection of Freedom of Expression
* Protection of Freedom of Assembly and Association
* Protection of Freedom of Movement
*Rights and Freedoms of Women
* Rights of Workers
* Rights of persons with Disabilities
* Citizens Rights
* Right to Representation.
* Social Objectives
* Economic objectives
*Social objectives
* Commission on Human Rights and Public Administration

Where is the problem currently?
This is a question that is asked by anybody that reads our Constitution.  The problem is that democracy is not measured by the good documents after ratification and domestication of international conventions into the Constitution, but it should be a life-style enjoyed in law, spirit and in practice by all citizens of the country irrespective of status, gender creed or political affiliation
The constitution is a rights giving document and a birth certificate of a nation, the rights enshrined in the constitution can only be accessed when there is a law and statute that regulate the rights and make them accessible to the citizens. Without those enabling laws the constitution whilst it is a supreme law, its provisions remain inaccessible to the citizens it was designed to benefit.
 It is important to mention the basic pillars of democracy before I venture into the different definitions thereof, they are as follows;
* Free Economic Activity
* Respect for Human Rights (Bill of Rights)
* Separation of  Powers
* Respect for the Rule of Law
* Pluralism
* Press Freedom
*Tolerance to dissenting views
* Fight against corruption
* Regular free and fair elections
* Independent Judiciary
* Protection of Minority Rights
* Peoples’ Right to Know
* Citizen participation
* Right to self determination
* Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency
* Neutrality of State institutions
*Equality before the law

* am happy to mention that almost all the above attributes and pillars of democracy are contained in the constitution of the country.

Right to self  determination

This being the election year and election time, it is time for the entire electorate to apply their right to self-determination. This means it is now an opportune time to elect men and women who will have capacity to make a government that will lead this country to dizzy heights selflessly without respite.
It is the people we shall be electing who will form a government of this nation, come September. So the bright future of this country as we speak is in the hands of the electorate and the reverse could be true if the electorate becomes complacent God forbid.

For all church leaders this is the right time to pray for the country. I have started please join me wherever you are.

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