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AS human beings, we all possess the propensity to do wrong, and yet we must endeavour to deliberately pursue a life of integrity. Nations have been brought low politically, socially and economically because of lack of godly character in the leaders and citizens. Lack of good character and integrity could cost us individual, family and even national destiny and purpose.

A nation that aspires to achieve First World status, must also embrace qualities that sustain such as; character and integrity at all levels. Character must start from leadership down to the citizenry.

Integrity is moral soundness, honesty and freedom from corrupting influence or motive. The integrity of religious, political, business and social leaders is a requirement for normal family community and national development. According to Farlex’s Dictionary, character is the inherent complex of attributes that determines a person’s moral and ethical actions and reactions. This has to do with behavioural, temperamental, emotional and mental attributes. People of good character possess the trait of thinking carefully before acting or reacting on anything. Character is responsibility, a form of trustworthiness or being responsible for ones conduct.

Great character is usually seen in the way we treat others and also in the way we use the resources at our disposal. Character and integrity demands that we treat all people right and fairly. We must treat with dignity people who do not agree with us politically, philosophically, methodologically or ideologically. When we treat well those who mistreat us we demonstrate the signs of great character. An attitude of revenge is detrimental to family, community and national development.

When we nurture a long vendetta against those we perceive to be against us in one way or the other, we become a hindrance to family, community and national progress. This is because we then become distorted by personal agendas, instead of pushing community or national interests.
Great character demands that we walk in forgiveness towards others.

A great man or woman forgives. To forgive is to give up resentment towards someone. It is to absolve the pain incurred due to offence. To me that is great character. Character is also that quality in us that causes us to rightly use resources at our disposal. People are resources. How do we manage people under our care or supervision? Are we abusive? A man or woman of character will always bring out the best out of the people they interact with.

One of the great hindrances to development and progress in the social life of most African families and communities is greed. Some of our religious, social, political and business leaders are motivated by naked ambition and greed. Greed for money and power is an anti-social behaviour. Corporate greed is a recipe for national poverty.

Selfishness and greediness are anti-progress vices. Greed is actually a moral fault, which makes us indulge in degrading appetites, deviating us in a single respect or general, from right standards. Greed deprives us of natural character, resulting in harmful habits of corruption and bribery. Greed and selfishness will always offend the moral standards of a family, community and nation.

Greed has its roots in selfishness. Farlex’s dictionary defines selfishness as, ‘exclusive regard to one’s own interest or happiness, that supreme self-love or self-preference which leads a person to direct his purpose to the advancement of his own interest, power or happiness, without regarding those of others.’

Greed and selfishness are wicked vices which make us so self-centred that we become concerned only with ourselves and our advantage to the exclusion of our families, communities and nation. Greed makes us opportunists, taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others, or the nation at large.

The country is in need of men and women who are unselfish in their dealings, whether it be at family, community or national levels. Greediness is lack of character and integrity. We cannot divorce family, social, political and economic progress from issues of integrity and character, they go together. 

Greedy people will easily compromise the standards of supreme laws or principles that govern a progressive nation in exchange for monetary or power advantage. It is imperative for the nation to have men and women who are principled.

Those who are not easily influenced by fame, money or power. We must be loyal to the principles and laws that govern a growing nation; wisdom, truth, justice, judgment and equity. This must begin at family level to national level. As we all embrace truth, honesty, justice and equity, Swaziland will surely begin to take on the First World status.

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