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“It gives me pleasure to be afforded the opportunity to share my sentiments on Women’s Month through my personal experiences on the subject.

Let me quickly point out how personally women are so significant in my life to-date. I spent about 80 per cent of my period from birth until my teenage years very close to my mother.

At the age of 20 I met my soulmate (a woman of course) whom I have been with for the past 18 years. We have been blessed with four lovely daughters the youngest is two-years-old and the eldest 11-years-old. At home, we have two helpers who assist with our daughters and house tasks.
‘‘All the above experiences will give you an idea of how much considerable time I spend around women.

‘‘Although Women’s Month is celebrated over a small fraction of the entire annum, the experiences I highlighted earlier have taught me that women deserve to be celebrated and appreciated daily.


‘‘Maybe I can start by going back to the biblical origination of men and women. Without quoting the specific bible verse, it is general knowledge that God created a man, later on he considered needed a helper in the form of a woman.
‘‘Both came into existence and opened the route for many generations that followed.

‘‘The first thing I note is that men and women were created differently physiologically and anatomically. Simply put this means there are certain physical features that were created on men and distinctive features that existed on women. Hence this influenced the physical abilities and capabilities of both.
‘‘Moving to the inner person, this means that there is also distinctive features in hormones – which at times influence the way both men and women behave.
Having looked at this background one would appreciate that women physically, were created weak. But this should not be misconstrued to mean that they are weak in person (heart, mind and otherwise).

‘‘My personal understanding is that women were made physically weak so that men can assume and play the full role of being the protector. I quote a biblical verse which though referring to married people still applys generically;

“Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers” (1 Peter 3v7).

‘‘Women are very capable of taking care of themselves. However, God did make men and women differently and thus due to the physical nature and strength God gave men, he has charged them with the provision and protection of their families.
‘‘You always protect what is precious to you, no matter how weak it is physically. This is one huge responsibility that was given to us men, which unfortunately we have failed to play despite God giving us the physical abilities to do so. Please note that this is a generalised statement intending no discouragement to men who fully play their protective roles.
‘‘The escalating cases of domestic violence against women, physical and emotional abuse, sexual violation etc. are just the tip of the iceberg that as men we have re-directed our physical capabilities in the wrong direction. Perhaps it is time for us to put ourselves in women’s shoes.’’

‘‘The plus nine months pregnancy period, being given last preference in issues of both men and women’s interest, being side-lined on issues of interest because you are a woman, being physically abused because you are a woman… the list is just endless and personally I cannot survive a day.
‘‘Therefore, Women’s Month to me is not really about what women should do in society but it is about how we as men can change our attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, norms and values we hold against women to fully reclaim our societal role as men.
‘‘On the same discussion I personally believe women need to be elevated and accorded their rightful status in society so that they can play the full role of being helper to men. The month gives us men an opportunity to take a step back and reflect if we have fully played the assigned role of being providers and protectors for women.
‘‘If all of us men play our mandated roles of being protectors and providers, the next generation will quickly learn from our example and gradually we will breed a generation of men that know how to truly show respect, love, care, support, protect and provide for women against any societal ills.
‘‘As men we need to start making a difference; stop any form of abuse; engage and communicate more instead, let’s give an ear to what the girl child faces as she grows into a woman and let’s use our physical attributes for the benefit of women instead of harming them.
‘‘In conclusion, as we celebrate Women’s Month let us remember that the physical nature and strength of a man is to be managed with grace and gentleness.
‘‘This is the biggest gift and responsibility we can show towards our phenomenal women. God did not create men to lord over women nor did he create women to simply wait on men.
He made them both to complement each other through healthy companionship.
‘‘To all the women out there, we appreciate your daily effort which most of the time goes unnoticed, and I personally challenge each one of you to put up the best show in the time God has accorded us the gift of life so that you pass the phenomenal spirit to the next generation.’’

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