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 MBABANE - Car racing is dangerous by nature but cars keep getting faster and competition has become more aggressive.

Over 400 car lovers gathered together at Riders Ranch, Sidvokodvo last Saturday as it was the first ever World of Motorsport Swaziland competition.

Car racers registered to take part in the competition whereby they raced each other and cars like the BMW, Alteeza, Audi and Toyota took part in the competition. Car racers of the day included Paul Craig, Ricky, Fernando, Sheldon and Joseph.

Through the courtesy of World of Motorsport Swaziland, bikers and car spinners were given a chance to race each other as pre-trials and a build-up to the main competition finals. The finals have a grand prize of E50 000 and a date will be confirmed soon.
While most revellers anticipated a day of spinning and drag racing, they seemed to be confused at first as to what the day was about, as most anticipated the E50 000 race competition.


However, the MC, Nqabayoxolo Ginindza made it clear to them that the day was about racing and unleashing how much speed each car or rather bike had compared to the others.
He also explained that World of Motorsport Swaziland decided to do the pre –trials before the main competition, as it was the first of its kind to be hosted locally.

“We want the drivers prepared on the day of the E50 000 finale, and they must know exactly what will be expected of them,” explained Ginindza.
DJ Twenty11 kept the crowd on its toes as they would dance to the music he dished out on the day.

Speaking to one of the organisers of the event, Banele Dlamini said the reason why they were doing this show was because they had noticed how the spinning and drifting shows that they had hosted before had become standard.

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