MBABANE - With the increasing demand for electricity, there is a significant opportunity for the further expansion of solar power in Eswatini, especially in the industrial and agricultural sectors.
Eswatini’s maximum local electricity demand was recorded to be 245.17 megawatts(MW) in 2020 and is expected to grow to 334MW by 2035. A solar PV-embedded generation market developer guide has been developed to work as a reference document for project developers or installers, private sector technology suppliers, financiers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and consumers regarding opportunities for solar PV embedded generation in Eswatini.
The guide provides an overview of the current state of the electricity industry in relation to solar PV embedded generation and its contribution to the overall local generation mix.
The guide examines the key market players, market potential and implementation models of embedded generation, as well as the opportunities and challenges that exist for project developers of solar PV embedded generation in Eswatini. The compilation of this document was supported by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) in Eswatini and GET.invest.
This document also benefitted from valuable inputs, comments and feedback provided by Wim Klunne (Renewable Energy and Energy Access Expert); officials from Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority (ESERA); and Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC).
In his foreword on the guide/report, Business Eswatini (BE) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nathi Dlamini said as the world transitions toward cleaner, more sustainable energy solutions, the role of solar power is at the forefront of innovation, offering exciting new avenues for growth and development. Dlamini said this shift presents significant opportunities for businesses, governments, and communities to embrace renewable energy while addressing global challenges such as climate change, energy security, and economic resilience. In the context of evolving energy landscapes, embedded solar generation emerges as a key component of future-ready power systems. By integrating solar power generation directly into homes, businesses, and industrial operations, embedded generation empowers energy users with greater control over their electricity needs.
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