MBABANE – Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd has been instructed to pay over E1.1 million plus 9 per cent interest owed to Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd.
Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd supplied broiler chicks and chicken feed to Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd, who were contending that all goods were duly paid for. Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd was the plaintiff and Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd was the defendant. The matter was before the High Court of Eswatini and judgment was delivered by High Court Judge Bongani Sydney Dlamini. On November 6, 2016, the plaintiff sued the defendant for two different sums of money, the sum of E642 212.14 and further sum of E460 152.02. The sum of E642 212.14 was said to have risen from the sale and delivery of broiler chicks to the defendant at the latter’s special instance and request. The sum of E460 152.02 was said to arise from the sale and delivery of chicken feed to the defendant.
Trencor Investments disputed that Africa Chicks should provide proof of the money owed by them and they further claimed that all outstanding amounts owed to the plaintiff were settled.
On April 20, 2022, the matter was set for trial but both the plaintiff and defendants were not present, the court removes the matter from roll. This then forced the matter to be given a new trial date and it was allocated June 20 and 23, 2022. “The matter could, however, not proceed on the allocated dates due to the unavailability of the court. The unavailability of the court was explained to both parties,” said Dlamini in the judgment.
When the matter went for trial on October 18, 2022, Africa Chicks evidence was presented through its only one witness, Julia Rita Saulos. The evidence by this witness was that she was employed by the plaintiff in the 2016 and that she presently occupies the position of Country Director within Africa Chicks. The witness stated that prior to being the country director; she was employed by the plaintiff as operations manager.
According to the testimony of Saulos, she stated that Vusi Humphrey Dlamini, the Managing Director of Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd was one of Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd major customers. She stated that the plaintiff would supply the day-old chicks to the defendant on a weekly basis to his various farms situated at Motshane and Sigangeni. The witness sated that on a weekly basis, the plaintiff would supply between 20 000 to 25 000 day-old chicks to the defendant. The evidence by Saulos was that the business arrangement between the parties was that the plaintiff would supply on credit to the defendant, the day-old chicks and that the defendant was expected to settle or pay for the goods within seven or 30 days. “The evidence by Saulos was that the credit facility existing between the parties was that upon delivery of the specified goods, an invoice would then be generated by the plaintiff, which the defendant was required to settle within the agreed period,” mentioned the High Court judge.
This arrangement, according to Saulos, continued until the defendant’s payment of goods delivered became inconsistent and eventually stopped. She stated that upon making payment, the defendant’s accounts department would thereafter generate a reconciliation statement showing a list of deliveries and a list of payments made to the plaintiff.
…defendant stopped making payments in 2015
MBABANE – The witness in the matter, Julia Rita Saulos, further mentioned that Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd stopped making payments in 2015.
She said the defendant withdrew its orders with the plaintiff and basically stopped dealing with Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd. The plaintiff then issued several demands to the defendant for payment of the outstanding amounts of the money due and payable to Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd. According to Saulos, Trencor Investments, being the defendant in the matter, gave several explanations for not being able to pay the outstanding amounts including that its computer system had crushed. The witness further stated that they made copies of all documents including orders, delivery notes and invoices to the plaintiff but they would still not pay.
She also mentioned that the defendant would also give the excuse that the person who was doing their accounts had left their employ and that they were in the process of reconciling their books and would get back to them. “Julia Rita Saulos’s evidence was that the defendant’s officers kept giving one excuse after the other for not paying the outstanding sum of money due to it,” said Dlamini in the judgment. According to Saulos, Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd uses a Pastel programme for its accounting system. The witness stated that they printed a full ledger from their accounting programme and sent it to Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd. Saulos further mentioned that Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd had undertaken an assessment of the sum of money due to the plaintiff and established that only a sum of E589 535.03 was outstanding in respect of the broiler chicks supplied to them by the plaintiff.
“This means the defendant was disputing a sum of E26 427.47 on this particular claim, In this regard, Saulos showed the court a document prepared by the defendant to show that it was only disputing the sum of E26 535.47 on the claim for broiler chicks,” reads the judgment. It was in Saulos’s evidence that Africa Chicks was also involved in the business of supplying broiler feed sourced from the Republic of South Africa to its customers. Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd was one of Africa Chicks (Pty) Ltd customers, according to Saulos, the credit arrangement existing between the parties was that the defendant was expected to pay within 30 days.
Saulos stated that the plaintiff supplied feed and medication for the chicks of the defendant. She further stated that the debt outstanding from Trencor Investments (Pty) Ltd would at times rise up to E3 000 000, but the defendant would gradually redue the debt until in would be slightly above E1 000 000. She mentioned that currently, Trencor Investments was indebted to Africa Chicks the sum of E642 212.14 for broiler chicks supplied to it and another sum of E460 156.02 in respect of broiler feed and medication.
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