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Pupils are also happy with new arrangement

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(Student Journalist)

MBABANE - Pupils have given the idea by the Ministry of Education to open schools earlier than announced in 2011 a thumbs up.

This was the common stance of almost all the pupils who were interviewed yesterday from schools in the Mbabane-Manzini corridor.

For the year 2011, the official schools opening day will be January 18, a week earlier than expected. Pupils said that this would help immensely towards providing adequate time to finish the school syllabus.

Sicelo Nkambule, an Advanced Subsidiary Level pupils at Inkhanyeti School in Manzini, said: "This is a good idea from the ministry. It will give us time to review the previous year with the teachers to identify the loopholes and change them into advantages in our academic endeavour."

Musa Dlamini from Saim Christian High, the currently reigning best Form V school in the country, said that the idea was a good one because it would provide enough time for pupils to acquaint themselves with the books that they will be using next year.

On the other hand, Neliswa Dlamini, a Form III pupils at Inkhanyeti School, said this was not a good idea because it will not change anything since they normally did not learn anything in the first week.

"In the first week of the year we normally do not learn anything because the teachers hold long meetings and disburse books while also planning the timetable schedule," she said.

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